It continues the story of America Singer in the competition to win Prince Maxons hand in marriage. There is the obvious cat fights - what else would happen if you popped 35 teenage girls in one house and gave them the same boyfriendParents need to know that The One is the final novel in NYT Best-selling The Selection trilogy by Kiera Cass, following The Selection and The Elite. Yes, they are girly, what with the lush descriptions of dresses and jewellry.
Okay so at the end of the last book it seemed that America was getting her stuff together, realizing that she wanted Maxon and she wanted this. Let’s talk about the cover, it’s so beautiful, they all are but this one’s my favorite. The ending was perfect, America was pretty much the America from The Selection (though she still had her moments). It’s my favorite in the series.
It would make such a fantastic TV show, not even movie franchise, this should be a show, and I think it’d be fantastic. Those books are such quick reads, it honestly feels like you’re watching a TV-show reading this book. I honestly feel bad for those of you who had to wait a year for it, the way The Elite ended just made me want to pick this up, and I did and finished it in a few hours.
Not so many of them were expected deaths. A lot of people die, and I mean a lot. This book was so much fun, and really heartbreaking at times.
It was about time for them to figure it out. It’s just so much fun, how can you not love it?Starting this book, I really just wanted for them to be together, and for The Selection to be over already, I was getting tired of their arguments and just the relationship with the other girls. I also think this is one of my favorite books. THIS TIME WE WERE IN the.Is this one of my (many) favorite series? Yea, I think so. Prince Maxon only is worth reading this series.Acknowledgments. Guys, really just read this series, I don’t care how many bad reviews you’ve heard (which should be few because even those who don’t adore it, still enjoy it) it’s worth it.
The King also died in that little rebel attack, which I was glad about but then we find out the queen died too which wasn’t fair at all. I just, I was so shocked, why, just why? That wasn’t fair. It would’ve saved so much pain and struggle, just ugh! so frustrating.When she showed up to dinner with that sexy dress and later in her room when she tried to “seduce” him, I felt so embarassed for her, just whaaat is u doing honey? lol and when he laughed so did I.Celeste had her little redemption, and I loved Celeste now, and then she just DIES.

I can’t get enough! So good! I understand why this isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, but it surely was mine (minus the annoying, frustrating America parts)Share your thoughts! Are you as excited as I am about the new books? (: xxPS: The new novella coming out December 2nd titled The Queen is about Queen Amberly’s selection! Yay! I’m excited because I’ve been wondering a lot about that. Now she only has Mary left, just the book was so sad! Now Marlee and Carter are the King and Queen’s attendants, and she was the maid of honor at America’s wedding like promised, though America wasn’t hers but the circumstances with her wedding were complicated so that’s okay.I just really loved this book, and this series overall. Kota, her brother is a total asshole, I wish he’d died instead.Then there’s also the love story between Lucy and Aspen, which I saw coming, I got confused though when we found out Anne was into him, but she died as well (like literally, basically everybody died) that was so heartbreaking, I know Anne was a side character, but still.