Could Ishak be next on the list, or is he the man responsible? Tracking down his more ‘unsavoury’ allies, Serena is shocked to encounter a familiar face: that of her grieving ex-partner, former Malaysian ICD officer Megat Jamil (Bront Palarae). He then goes shopping for groceries and comes upon an unexpected surprise. One day, his parents give him an ultimatum and leaving him alone in the house, Joon-soo decides to have a party at his parents home. As Serena and Heri work together to catch the killer, their inquiries lead them to industrialist/kingpin Datuk Ishak Hassan (Wan Hanafi Su), whose prominent family and known associates all have some connection to the victims. Joon-soo is a rebellious high school kid who often get in fights. Seeking answers, Heri finds a way to insert himself into the Malaysian investigation. Dia kemudian pergi berbelanja bahan makanan dan mendapat kejutan yang tak terduga. Suatu hari, orang tuanya memberinya ultimatum dan meninggalkannya sendirian di rumah, Joon-soo memutuskan untuk mengadakan pesta di rumah orang tuanya. Hal itu di lakukan agar merubah sifat Joon-So tersebut. Hal ini yang membuat kedua orang tuanya pergi meninggalkannya dan tanpa meningalkan uang pula. Meanwhile, in Jakarta, for ICD Lieutenant Heriyanto Salim (Ario Bayu), the case turns personal when his brother is found murdered in similar circumstances. Joon-soo adalah anak sekolah pemberontak yang sering berkelahi. Baby and Me (, Ahgiwa Na) (2008 ) 7.1/10 Film ini mengisahkan tentang Joon-So, seorang pelajar tampan, kaya namun memiliki sifat berandalan. When someone leaves a baby in his shopping cart, Joon desperately tries to rid himself of his new 'problem. She hasn’t even had a boyfriend in the past decade, long ago decided to forget about looking for love, and instead has thrown her energy into her career. Film ini disutradarai oleh Jin Yeong-kim sekaligus sebagai penulis naskah cerita dan dibintangi oleh Jang Geun-suk, Moon Mason, Kim Byeol, Ko Gyoo-pil dan Choi Jae-hwan. Sinopsis Baby and I / Baby and Me (2008) - Film Korea By. Aged 39, Jang Ha Ri (Jang Nara) is the ultimate workaholic. Sinopsis Baby and I / Baby and Me (2008) - Film Korea.
Called in to investigate, Singaporean International Crimes Division (ICD) officer Serena Teo (Rebecca Lim) takes charge of a case across the border where a family has been slaughtered aboard a luxury yacht in Johor. Baby and Me (English Subtitled) (Korean with English subtitles) Joon-soo is the star of his school, but so troublesome that even his parents have left him. Oh My Baby is a 2020 South Korean drama series directed by Nam Ki Hoon. A series of brutal murders, each sharing a signature MO, takes place across Malaysia and Indonesia.